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Have I ever told you what I did before FBA existed?

Did you know that before FBA existed, I used to sell books on Amazon? This was before iPhone apps, before 4G, and even before FBA. I would take a database scanner (a Windows CE PDA) to book sales and thrift stores and literally scan every single book. I'd buy the good ones and list them on Amazon. I had to keep stopping by Lowe's on the way home to buy more book shelves to store them all. And every day, I would receive dozens of orders that I'd have to pick, pack, and take to the post...

🤖 Learn How to Make AI Your Ultimate Writing Ally – Free Cheat Sheet Inside!

Ever feel like you're swimming in a sea of digital tools, trying to figure out which one will make your writing projects a breeze? Ever feel like you’re drowning? Overwhelmed? Confused? You're not alone. Fortunately, I’ve got something that’s going to make that struggle a distant memory. Because I’m about to lob an inflatable lounger to you complete with an ice-cold cocktail sitting in the armrest. Think about it. Which option would you prefer? Swimming endlessly, trying to keep your head...

🤖 Learn How to Make AI Your Ultimate Writing Ally – Free Cheat Sheet Inside! 🥶

Ever feel like you're swimming in a sea of digital tools, trying to figure out which one will make your writing projects a breeze? Ever feel like you’re drowning? Overwhelmed? Confused? You're not alone. Fortunately, I’ve got something that’s going to make that struggle a distant memory. Because I’m about to lob an inflatable lounger to you complete with an ice-cold cocktail sitting in the armrest. Think about it. Which option would you prefer? Swimming endlessly, trying to keep your head...